Early OSCON Schedule

renodino on 2007-04-14T19:23:15

The OSCON schedule is up, and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised at the "meatiness" of the sessions/tutorials listed. The past couple of years have seemed a bit fluffy (at least, in the early schedules; the final schedules tended to get beefed up a bit).

I suppose some will still complain that the Perl track isn't the biggest, but it looks as meaty as the rest of the schedule. And there are plenty of sessions/tutorials in other tracks that certainly interest me (esp. the various threads/multicore/parallel programming bits; and maybe its time I learned Haskell, too).

While it hasn't risen to the level I once enjoyed at DECUS ("Using Neural Nets to Schedule The Hubble Space Telescope" is still my favorite session title), I'll give the folks at O'Reilly a big thumbs up for their effort.

Hopefully, I'll find the time and spare change to make the trip...