gabor listed in his journal some public version control systems and one question crossed my mind:
Wouldn't it be nice to have one central repository for "all" modules?
A system similar to RT or CPAN itself! Every author/maintainer can tick a checkbox in PAUSE whether the module should be loaded into a version control system. And the auther can grant access to the module to other authors.
This would have some advantages:
Eric Wilhelm proposed such a thing as svn4cpan. It's an ambitious project, but it's a great idea.
Re:Implementation issues...
reneeb on 2006-07-05T07:55:43
I know that different people work different, but to have one centralized version control would things make easier:
Some author (like me) just have a local installation of SVN or CVS, so one "public" server make it possible to "open the modules" to others.
You can't please everybody...