Help me rename Lexical::Persistence

rcaputo on 2009-09-06T06:51:42

"Persistence" implies that data will be saved and loaded from disk, to a database, or some other persistent storage. That's not what the module does, so I think it needs a new name.

Lexical::Persistence objects are closures that make the values of lexical variables stick (or persist) in everything they call. In the following example, the Lexical::Persistence object makes sure that getter()'s version of $x contains the value stored by setter().

use Lexical::Persistence;

my $lp = Lexical::Persistence->new();

sub setter { my $x = "some value" }
sub getter { print my $x, "\n" }

Lexical::Persistence's closures are objects. Programs may examine and manipulate their contents between calls. The following code displays something like this:

My mind is going. I can feel it.
My is going. I can feel it.
My is going. I feel it.
My going. I feel it.
My going. I feel
My I feel
My I
Here's the example:
use Lexical::Persistence;

my $lp = Lexical::Persistence->new();
	_ => {
		'@mind' => [qw(My mind is going. I can feel it.)]

while (1) {
	my $mind = $lp->get_context("_")->{'@mind'};
	splice @$mind, rand(@$mind), 1;
	last unless @$mind;

sub display {
	my @mind;
	print "@mind\n";

So, what would be a better name for this module?

I've got some words for you

bart on 2009-09-07T12:26:16

You need a word that's not so heavy as "persistent", which is also already in use with a different meaning, as you say.

So, here are some words for you:

  • sticky
  • static
  • state (I don't like this one, but that's what perl 5.10 uses)

My favorite is "sticky", which has a very informal feel about it.

Also, you may want to try out the Reverse Dictionary Lookup, throw some words at it, and see how you like the alternative words that it comes up with.


rjbs on 2009-09-07T16:38:18
