It's now time to continue this journal, interrupted during my vacation, and after that mostly because I was ill. Well, I'm still ill, but I feel better now, thanks. I got a nasty cold : the temperature here actually reached the absolute zero (Celsiusly speaking, of course), something I don't think I'll ever become familiar with. (In the most inner circles of Dante's Inferno, as well in the classical muslim Hell, sinners don't burn, they are frozen. Is it because Dante and Muhammad lived in warm countries ? Anyway, I find that a hell full of snow and ice is quite more frightening than a hell full of fires and flames.)
And now for some link review. Tony Bowden apparently quotes a part of my unpublished autobigraphy :
When I was at university, I would often spend days just working through all the man pages for something, testing all the different options, deciding which I liked best, and setting up my configuration accordingly.
Also found some notes on writing a monovocalic sonnet, something that may entertain my readers, esp. if you're already familiar with the writers of the OuLiPo (Georges Perec, Raymond Queneau, Italo Calvino, Harry Matthews...) Note that this guy helps his prosodic skills with Perl. Also, the sonnet he produced is a short version of Dante's Inferno, which I'm managing to quote twice in the same journal entry : kind of a personal victory.
Title of this journal entry by Thelonious Monk.
rafael on 2003-01-13T08:59:33
I'm probably more touchy than most Frenchs;-) I'm born in a part of France where there is snow one day every ten years. The temperatures in Nice are currently around 10°C. And my mother thinks it's cold (on the other hand, she's born in Africa.)