Subversion is good for me

rafael on 2002-09-18T21:32:33

I'm now in the process of installing subversion at home. I wasn't (until now) using a source control system for my own projects. Now that I've discovered subversion, I will. It's currently a bit hard to install, esp. if you want the networking bits, which I don't need at home. But it's really easy to setup and to use once it's installed. (By the way we're going to use it at work, starting next week. I hope it's stable enough ;- but I'm confident.)

The setup was not set up correctly.

jdporter on 2002-10-01T16:13:02

Hi. Since you're learning English, I will tell you this with some confidence that you won't resent it. Most people would take offense at my pedantry.

"Setup" is not a verb. It is a noun. The verb, properly, is "set up".

A similar mistake that many people make is to run together "every day" and "any time".
"I go to the gym every day" but "Check out our everyday low prices".
I'm sure there are many other examples of this class of error.

In general, first try writing words separately. Then see if that looks wrong.