Shakti, a Perl 6 bot

rafael on 2005-08-23T07:49:12

Hmm, so, I wrote a very simple IRC bot in Perl 6 yesterday evening. It's a karmabot -- it implements the foo++ and bar-- commands that are familiar to purl's friends. Currently found as shakti on #mandrivafr on freenode. (Yes, karma, shakti, all that kind of stuff, we wanted to find a female sanskrit name.)

Here's the code, derived from examples/network/bot_irc.p6 in the pugs sources. Suggestions to make it more perl6ish welcome!


use v6;

my $nick = "shakti"; my $server = ""; my $chan = "#mandrivafr"; my %karma; my %sux = ( php => 1, python => 1, ); my %rulz = ( perl => 1, perl6 => 1, ); my $karmafile = '/tmp/shakti.dump';

sub dump_karma { my $fh = open($karmafile, :w) err say "Can't open $karmafile"; $fh.say("$_:%karma{$_}") for keys %karma; $fh.close; }

# load karma my $fh = open $karmafile err die "Can't load $karmafile"; for =$fh { $_ .= chomp; my ($k, $v) = split ":", $_; %karma{$k} = $v; } $fh.close;

my $hdl = connect($server, 6667);

say "Connected to $server";

$hdl.say("NICK $nick\nUSER $nick $nick $nick $nick"); $hdl.flush;

# discard first line my $ligne = readline($hdl);

$hdl.say("JOIN $chan"); $hdl.flush;

say "Joined $chan";

while $ligne = =$hdl {

$ligne .= chomp;

given $ligne {

when rx:perl5/^PING/ { $hdl.say("PONG $nick"); $hdl.flush; }

when rx:perl5/^:(.*?)!.*? PRIVMSG $chan (.*)/ { my $nick = $0; my $msg = $1; given $msg { when rx:perl5/(\w+)\+\+/ { if $nick eq $0 { $hdl.say("PRIVMSG $chan :$nick: you can't up your own karma!"); } else { %karma{lc $0}++; say "increment $0"; dump_karma(); } } when rx:perl5/(\w+)--/ { %karma{lc $0}--; say "decrement $0"; dump_karma(); } when rx:perl5/\bkarma\s+(\w+)/ { if $0 eq "shakti" { $hdl.say("PRIVMSG $chan :I have infinite karma"); } elsif %sux{lc $0} { $hdl.say("PRIVMSG $chan :$0 has very, very bad karma"); } elsif %rulz{lc $0} { $hdl.say("PRIVMSG $chan :$0 has infinite karma"); } elsif %karma{lc $0} { $hdl.say("PRIVMSG $chan :$0 has karma of " ~ %karma{lc $0}); } else { $hdl.say("PRIVMSG $chan :$0 has neutral karma"); } $hdl.flush; } } }



Very readable

Dom2 on 2005-08-23T08:55:25

That's quite nice, to my untrained perl5 eyes. The only thing that gives me slight difficulties is seeing ".= chomp". I'm guessing that dot is the method call operator and the line means assign the result of chomp back to $_?


Re:Very readable

rafael on 2005-08-23T09:57:53

That's right. I like this idiom. Maybe it looks perl5ish because my brain is still perl5ish, but in general I find perl 6 code to be quite readable.

Meanwhile, I was pointed out a few obvious mistakes; like two variables named $nick.


Smylers on 2005-08-23T10:29:34

I think you can use the named option syntax to more concisely initialize hashes where you want the values to be true:

my %sux = (

I can't remember whether commas are needed, but I think not.

Also, there's probably a better way of iterating through a hash's keys and values together, though I'm not sure it'll work with the statement modifier variant of for that you're using.
