Oh, I know, you don't like the kangaroo?

rafael on 2005-03-11T15:10:14

OK, it's been a long time since I've not ranted. But they did it again. More nonsense from Christian wackos; this time, in Paris. You'd bet we would have been safer here, but no. So, here's the story -- an ad poster copies the layout of one of the most famous (and imited) paintings of all time, Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, and an association of right-wing fundamentalists called (by antiphrasis) "Beliefs and Freedoms" complains about it. So far, this is not really surprising. Fanatics are usually unable to make a difference between form (in this case, homage to a well-known work of art) and message (the supposed blasphemy, in practice just an ad for over-expensive, ugly clothes). What's more surprising is that a judge finds they're right and bans the said poster. Judges and other officials of the Republic are not supposed to be biased in favor of religions.

So what's next? If harmless pictures are censored, what about actually offensive material?

It is true

zatoichi on 2005-03-11T18:19:41

Every group has its "whackos".

Re:It is true

rafael on 2005-03-11T18:27:00

Just don't get me started on python^Wemacs^WLinux^W mmm whatever.

Re:It is true

nicholas on 2005-03-14T13:23:06

In a group of apathetics, I'd like to know what would distinguish their wackos :-)

Re:It is true

rafael on 2005-03-14T14:34:28

They snore.


pudge on 2005-03-16T00:09:56

I don't think there's anything wacky about complaining when someone, to your eyes, defiles a symbol you hold dear. It's called free speech. Let them complain, and if enough people agree, then the company will pull it. Good for anyone who can accomplish the goal, if they feel strongly enough about it. I don't see this as significantly different from the boycott of Amazon over the patent stuff.

On the other hand, I see no justification for the law getting involved. That's crazy to me.


rafael on 2005-03-16T07:25:20

I'm not complaining about fundamentalists whining. I'm complaining about jugdes listening to them. This is futile. This ad is not even trying to lie about the product it sells, which would be a good reason to ban it.