(No, this isn't a post about Curtis.)
I just noticed the existence of Ovid, a collection of scripts for recursively converting perl CPAN modules into RPM files, at it advertises itself. This is of interest for people who, like me, maintain a large number of RPMs of Perl modules for a Linux distribution. Has anyone looked at it ? I browsed through the code quite fast, but I've at least two concerns: autocomputation of dependencies (rpmbuild already knows how to find perl dependencies of perl modules, altough not in the most perfect way, but Ovid reimplements this), and customization of the specfile template (need to make it a bit more customizable.)
Re: Ovid
rafael on 2004-09-28T11:15:18
From what I know, cpan2rpm is not "good enough" as-is for Mandrakelinux.I looked at creating a module CPANPLUS::Dest::MDK to generate MDK-compliant RPMs while installing. I hadn't much time, but the first problems I've found while coding this were the limitations of rpmbuild itself. But CPANPLUS already solves the problem of fetching all dependencies from the CPAN.
From the OS packager point of view, the problems are to generate RPMs compliant with the distribution guidelines (e.g. they go in vendor_perl), easily rebuildable, with correct dependencies. An end-user would have different needs (e.g. the use of the vendor_perl directory would be inappropriate, and the release naming scheme might be different, in order to avoid conflicts with the vendor's RPMs.) Hence, a need for customisation.
How many CPAN modules are there in Fedora ? MDK 10.1 provides about 500 of them.
Re: Ovid
davorg on 2004-09-28T13:27:21
How many CPAN modules are there in Fedora ? MDK 10.1 provides about 500 of themIt depends which repositories you point yum at. I have just over 100 rpms installed with names including the string 'perl'. And there only seem to be about half a dozen more at the repositories that I use.
That was a bit weird. It's relatively new, too. I wonder if I'll start getting email asking for help with this the way I did with POE. (One time Tim Bunce stopped me at a conference to tell me how much he enjoyed using my modules. I was mometarily flattered until I realized he was talking about POE.)
Still, it looks cool. I wonder how well it works?
Re:Ovid Poe
rafael on 2004-09-28T14:52:31
I wonder whether Mr. Guttman had a similar experience with URI.pm.
If you're packaging for debian instead, dh-make-perl is a good package to install. Don't look at the source though, or you'll go blind.
Oh, and make sure that you install and set up apt-file first, otherwise it misses the dependencies.