Am I contaminated by all the linguists out there? I'm now reading Le vocabulaire des institutions indo-européennes (even without speaking French, the meaning of this title should be obvious to an English speaker), by Emile Benveniste. The piles of books I've read about mythology and history of religions finally led me to this one.
rafael on 2004-06-02T14:18:32
Pretty much the complete works of Georges Dumézil and Claude Levi-Strauss for mythology, history books by Georges Duby, Fernand Braudel, Robert Mandrou, Jacques Le Goff, Mircea Eliade; and for mythology, the sources as well (in a rough chronological order: Homer, Hesiod, Herodotes, Ovid, the Bible, some Upanishads, the Mahabharata, the Fathers of the Church, the Quran, the Edda, the Skaldsparmal, the Kalevala) and I'm forgetting lots. On a less specialized range, the writings on mythology of Freud and Nietzsche are also of interest.Re:pile
inkdroid on 2004-06-02T14:39:55
Holy fuck that's alot of text:-) Re:pile
TorgoX on 2004-06-02T22:51:17
It all sounds too ponderous. I advise instead:Then go play with some Legos and watch Futurama. I KOMMAND IT!
- Dao De Jing
- Tacitus: Annals of Ancient Rome
- Lucien Freud: Conversations with Alfred North Whitehead
- Vidal: Messiah
- Sampson: Writing Systems
- Burroughs: Naked Lunch
- Eco: Search for the Perfect Language
- Saul: Voltaire's Bastards
TorgoX on 2004-06-02T22:53:22
Oops, I forgot science fiction (20th century and all that). So, Bruce Sterling: Schismatrix Plus.Re:pile
TorgoX on 2004-06-03T05:34:28
Oops2: "Lucien Freud: Conversations with Alfred North Whitehead" should be "Lucien Price: Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead".Re:pile
rafael on 2004-06-03T06:16:11
On that list, I've already read the Dao De Jing, Tacitus, and Burroughs (which seems not to fit with the others). Voltaire's Bastards is already on my to-buy list:)