Things to do in London (when you're dead)

rafael on 2003-10-01T12:37:22

I'm going to buy some english books while I'm in London. On my list are :

  • Neal Stephenson's first Baroque Cycle opus
  • Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan, the smartest Kid on Earth, or maybe Quimby Mouse
  • George Meredith's The Egoist, if I've enough virtue for it
  • Some Terry Pratchett volume
Any other advice ?

gene wolfe

inkdroid on 2003-10-01T13:39:57

Start with the Book of the New Sun.

Terry Goodkind

WebDragon on 2003-10-02T14:20:34

Sword of Truth series. Best series I've read in a good long time.

Wizards First Rule
Stone of Tears
Blood of the Fold
Temple of the Winds
Soul of the Fire
Faith of the Fallen
Pillars of Creation
and the recently released Naked Empire

should keep you busy for a while since you won't be able to put them down if you enjoy this sort of thing.