I use bogofilter since a few weeks, and I'm very happy with it. No false positives, very few false negatives. It does its job.
Once you use bogofilter, an interesting perl / shell command is :
strings -n3 ~/.bogofilter/spamlist.db | \This outputs a 20-word burroughsian cut-up of the received spam. Ideal to feed the phosphor(1) hack of xscreensaver(1) (although the random text may contain profanity.)
perl -lne 'END{print"@x"}for$i(0..19){int rand$. or$x[$i]=$_}'
Here's a random sample :
three long-lasting plain during cnn connected incredible chemical weeks line-height message heard biggest from burning risk spin databasee absence f.r.e.ePure computer-generated poetry, uh ? This could even be turned into haikus.