A pair of stupid vim tricks

rafael on 2003-01-23T16:26:03

The command-line window that comes with vim 6 (:help cmdwin) just annoys me. It seems to always open when I type :q<CR> in a hurry. Today I finally decided to disable it, and thus, not finding an easier way, I added this simple mapping in my .vimrc : "nmap q: :q".

I've also discovered that the CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands understand a count argument. So, if you want to add 128 to the number next to the cursor, just enter 128<C-A>. Works also for hexadecimal and octal numbers (see :help 'nf').

On the to-do list : work out something that takes the POD file open in the current window, pipes it to pod2html, and performs a few transformations to it to obtain something suitable for publication here. (yes, the P5P summaries are written in POD, and converted later.)

Re: Pod Preview

jmcnamara on 2003-01-23T17:09:39

This was posted to PerlMonks recently: podwatch: POD previewing tool

I haven't tried it however. I use emacs which has a "perl->Perl docs->View manpage of POD in this file" option in cperl-mode.

Although usually I just pipe the file through pod2html and view it in a browser. :-)