I sometimes rant too much. Today I will talk about Good Things.
First amongst these is the Mother of all Good Things, 1066 and All That. I had a free hour or so before heading off to the pub this evening and wanted to read something, of course it being five weeks into the term I've already read all the books I brought with me to read, as well as the extra books Borders made me buy, so didn't have anything new on my bookshelf to delve into. This situation is usually saved by either Winnie the Pooh, The Annotated Alice or 1066... Today it was 1066's turn and, as ever, it managed to make me chuckle with glee.
The second good thing is Opera. I upgraded myself to version 6.0 today and it was lovely. Mouse gestures are wonderful things, and it's fast and all those other useful things that a browser should be. And it works under FreeBSD which is much more important...
The third, and final for now, nice thing is sugar mice. I'm living with a fairly mixed bunch of people this year, none of which do any subject which is remotely related to mine (this in itself is a Good Thing) which means they have their final examinations a week or two before me. This made them very stressed, a situation I improved by presenting them with two sugar mice each.
Making people happy made me smile.