Job interviews went well. I was a technological knowledge fountain with minimal trip ups. I even got to talk about Fortran90 and was asked intelligent questions about Quantum::Entanglement by someone who didn't need the hand-waving physics to make it make sense. All in all I had a very enjoyable conversation about stuff I've done. I hope this is a good sign, but won't find out for a couple of weeks.
I even thrashed out the basics of a talk about Data::Dimensions, and why typing is sometimes your friend while I was waiting for my ordeal to start. Add a free vaguely expensive hotel (although I wouldn't pay over 120 * units({GBP => 1, day => -1});
for somewhere with threadbare carpets and escaping beds) and I'm now a very tired bunny.
English trains were once again a pain though... I'm wondering if I should make the transition to the future of travel, the Horse Drawn Zeppelin.