Death to Rhododendron

quidity on 2004-05-16T00:43:07

Everyone should come and tear down evil tentacled shrubs (warning: contains raw Welsh) at Craflwyn in September. It's a remarkably good therapy for general stress and being indoors all the time, and you get to burn whole swathes of vegetation in roaring bonfires. Anyone tempted might want to send me a mail, so that incidental enjoyment can be appropriately scheduled.

sounds like fun

TeeJay on 2004-05-17T09:55:55

wonder if you can take home cuttings..

I like rhod'ies - great plants, but they can get awfully big

Re:sounds like fun

quidity on 2004-05-18T00:37:12

Nah, they take over the planet and kill everything else. Last time I killed it, it took twelve of us a whole week to rid a fairly small island of it.