
quidity on 2004-04-12T23:04:54

Well, not dreams, exactly. More a new buzzphrase. I shall illustrate with examples:

You're weeks behind on a contract for a very important client. You'll never deliver on time. Your boss heads over to the client to carefully renegotiate the dream.

You've tried all your life to be a contender, but you'll never make it. During your yearly performance review with your manager, you suggest to him that you should maybe get a promotion. He suggests that you renegotiate the dream.

You're late for work. You tried your hardest but no matter what you did you just couldn't be bothered to get yourself out of bed and into the world in time. What's more, you've missed an incredibly important meeting and it was your girlfriend's birthday, but you didn't get the card in the post. You save your skin by telling all and sundry that the bus you'd got on had to renegotiate the dream.