Mac OS X Backups

pudge on 2002-10-19T12:15:33

I need a backup solution for Mac OS X. Nothing fancy: just back up my files and programs, via FTP or file server or somesuch, to a remote server, and be able to restore individual files or directories.

Backup from Apple is a nice solution, but works only with .mac. I have a .mac account, but I have gigabytes to back up. I need it to be a local remote, not a remote remote. :-) I like Retrospect, and Retrospect Express would work for me, but it is $50 for a single client.

Are there any other solutions out there?

Now Playing: Mama I'm Strange - Melissa Etheridge (Breakdown)

I've always been fond of

hfb on 2002-10-19T14:05:00

tar and dump. the .mac backup will also backup to CD if you have a CD-R on your mac. A firewire drive also works well since it saves on restore time....but tar and dump are the old reliables.

Re:I've always been fond of

pudge on 2002-10-19T16:10:23

I don't know if that solution will properly hang on to my HFS+ metadata. Do you?

And Backup goes to CD, but wow, that would be slow and tedious. :-) Maybe if I had DVD-R, it would be less tedious, but still slow. I love using Retrospect to backup over 100baseT to another computer on the network, and then being able to restore from anywhere else in the world (ssh to home box, open up the FTP port on the firewall, then restore, then close the FTP port again :-).

Re:I've always been fond of

hfb on 2002-10-19T17:28:36

anything other than a live on-line backup is going to be slow be it tape or otherwise. Firewire drives are cheap these days which is what I use with retrospect. Restoring it over the wire introduces a security issue as well. Firewire drives are small, cheap, fast and more reliably available than using ftp over the net :) As far as HFS+ goes...well, your choices are retrospect or .mac backup if you are looking for minimum hassle.

Re:I've always been fond of

pudge on 2002-10-19T20:06:36

No, I mean that with Retrospect over FTP to a box on my LAN (which has a big FireWire drive connected to it), I have the option of restoring over the Internet, if necessary (once I was at work, and I had updated my Metrowerks compilers, but I needed an older version of one, so I restored it off the backup at home; it's a nice option to have, in a pinch). I wouldn't be carrying my FireWire drive around with me. And while it is not as fast as direct FireWire, it's speedy enough, since it is only a switch away, and at 100 baseT.

But yeah, Retrospect is minimum hassle and most flexible. .mac Backup is nice, but just far too limited in how I can back up. Maybe I'll just *gulp* pay money and do it. I doubt I can get bossman to pay for it, but I can deduct it, at least. :-)

Re:I've always been fond of

johndrake6 on 2002-10-21T19:55:44


This utility is free (beer|speech) and has worked fine for me:

Good feedback in versiontracker, yadda yadda.

Hooks to cron via GUI for scheduling.

N.B. that some apps like Mozilla use literal fully-qualified paths to prefs, etc. so you'd have to rename target volume to source volume's name for pure chewing satisfaction.



Re:I've always been fond of

ziggy on 2002-10-23T15:57:33

*Cough* hfstar *Cough*. (It's a hacked version of tar that understands ..namedfork)

How about...

belg4mit on 2002-10-19T17:26:10

I use it in conjunction with tar -Pzcvf and
am quite fond of it. My only beef is it's Python :-P

slightly better than tar/dump...

clepple on 2002-10-19T18:48:18

I use rsync to back things up. Again, it doesn't address the HFS+ metadata issue, but at least it only transfers the changes between files (block checksums, pretty cool stuff). If I'm not mistaken, rsync comes with Jaguar.

Backups? We don' got to show you any steenkin' ...

WebDragon on 2002-10-20T18:45:50

Have you looked at Mondo?

I haven't had the chance to play with it myself yet, and don't know whether it's been tested on OS X or not. (I have neither a Machine capable of running OS X [it's 7 years old already], nor a CDR/W on the Linux box OR the Mac. *sigh* Yea, verily, I laggeth behind even the cutting edge.)

Might be worth a look. It's gotten very complimentary reviews thus far.

Re:Backups? We don' got to show you any steenkin'

WebDragon on 2002-10-22T15:49:39

erm *cough* forgot the url...

(I think it's also linked to as well)

Disk Copy?

blech on 2002-10-23T10:33:44

It's not the fastest solution, as it doesn't have any sort of modified file checking, but using Disk Copy to image my volumes over a fast local network is how I back up, and it seems fine. Works for both OS 9 (if you can find the leaked Disk Copy 6.4 or 6.5) and OS X, is free, maintains HFS+ metadata.

If you want to make a bootable copy of your full OS X install, you can use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the HD to a disk image.