more bleadperl

pudge on 2001-02-13T07:14:00

Well, I was sick longer than I thought I would be (that was a horrible cold, ack!) but it is mostly over now. I basically finished up my patches to bleadperl (this round of them, anyway) and submitted them to Jarkko last night, and he said they looked fine. Hopefully they will be in the next maintperl round, if they survive the next bleadperl release.

I tried to do a build of bleadperl on Mac OS last night (with the patches), and except for some problems with config.h (needs a lot of work) and environ being undefined where it was previously defined (??), all of the core .c files compiled. That's good. Of course, nothing was tested. And I need to figure out that dang environ problem. environ in util.c was definitely defined in the 5.6.0 build.