People are already camping out to get Star Wars Episode II tickets. Some people have been camping out since New Year's Day. Why? So they can see it before anyone else.
I cannot understand why this is important to anyone. Who cares when someone else sees it? Will it significantly impact your life in any way to see it the second or third day? Oh, I suppose you won't be able to put "I Saw It First" on your resume or tell people at parties how cool you are, but if you need to do these things ... well, I guess this is why these people are almost universally labelled "losers".
I waited until Friday to see TPM, and if I had it to do over again, I'd see it at midnight. That's what I'm doing this time. I won't camp out, but I'd like to be there with all the truly fanatic fans. I'd like to go see the movie with a bunch of people around me in costume so wrapped up in it that they scream and yell and take sides and cheer the characters on.
Then I'd like to see it again quietly with no one else around.
Of course, I'm one of those wierdos who liked Episode I. Maybe it's just because I'd been waiting for it since Feb. 14, 1985, the night I first realized Star Wars began with "Episode IV."