Lack of Progress

pudge on 2001-03-16T08:05:00

I've gotten a bunch of important things done in the last week, including getting Errno and Devel::DProf mostly figured out, and submitting some patches for bleadperl and maintperl (maintperl has not yet included the patches, though). I've not been able to do a lot of work this week, however. A new GUSI beta fixed at least one existing bug. I am trying to get Devel::DProf working (which means getting times() working), and I ran into a snag or two that I have not had a chance to look into. I have to prepare a talk for Comdex in a few weeks, and that's been taking up my time; when it's done, I'll have more time to work on MacPerl. Sigh. The tyranny of the urgent.