Do not genrate more junks, please! My password is: xxxxxxxx. What is wrong whith that??? wrote:
Your new password is xxxxxxxxx. Your old password will still work until
this password is used. Go to the URL below to log in:
Make sure you then CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD!
If you have received this message without having requested it, it is
because someone attempted to use your username or e-mail address. It
was mostly likely an innocent mistake, and they are not getting your
password, so you can safely disregard this message.
You have received this message because you subscribed to it
on use Perl. To stop receiving this and other
messages from use Perl, or to add more messages
or change your preferences, please go to your user page.
You can log in and change your preferences from there.
And later:
No matter what I put in the password field your fricken machine rejekts me. Your system stinks, becouse it never veryfied the password! Other places, it has to be entered twice, and if no mach repeat it. You tell to chanege the password, but how can be change you give no clue! wrote:
Your new password is xxxxxxx. Your old password will still work until
this password is used. Go to the URL below to log in:
Make sure you then CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD!
If you have received this message without having requested it, it is
because someone attempted to use your username or e-mail address. It
was mostly likely an innocent mistake, and they are not getting your
password, so you can safely disregard this message.
You have received this message because you subscribed to it
on use Perl. To stop receiving this and other
messages from use Perl, or to add more messages
or change your preferences, please go to your user page.
You can log in and change your preferences from there.
I have several things I could tell this person to help him. But I give my free time to this site, and there are so many other people who want things done on it who are polite. I don't need it. And so he won't get it.
you took the time to insert it here...and didn't even remove the sender's name to protect the innocent. Cruel and unusually mean. If I did this for every dumb email conversation at CPAN I'd have an even more excrutiatingly dull journal.
Re:and yet....
pudge on 2002-04-18T14:15:08
Whatever.To protect the "innocent"
Simon on 2002-04-18T15:40:35
Odd. I don't regard people who send me gratuitiously abusive mail as "innocent".Re:To protect the "innocent"
hfb on 2002-04-18T15:56:30
I've refused requests from the FBI et. al for email pertaining to real crimes not just some ego wanking of some perl shouldn't be treated so lightly and be posted so publicly without consent.
Besides, weren't you the guy who couldn't take a joke and whined on about how unappreciated you are recently? I'll bet there are a few similar emails from you floating around the net just waiting to surface with your name on them. Noone around here is innocent, which is why it's stupid, unentertaining and offensive to certain unwritten rules of courtsey which seem to have all been forgotten.
Re:That was a bit unneccesary
pudge on 2002-04-18T14:27:17
I don't care what his problem is. He was rude. I posted the example of being rude. I don't care what his email address is. Go away.
flies, honey, and vinegar anymore?
I just had someone try and ping flood me last night after I told him to ask his CGI question somewhere other than EFnet #perl (for those not familiar, the channel has a longstanding policy that web and CGI questions are verboten since most of them are FAQs or not really perl related). He earned himself a nice letter to his university's abuse account; maybe next time he won't throw a tantrum when someone doesn't give him free support.