iTunes / Front Row Updates

pudge on 2008-09-10T21:15:39

My biggest gripes with iTunes and Front Row are that they don't work well with iTunes sharing. And in fact, the last versions of both were a step backward in usability. Front Row no longer shows album art for shared tunes, and iTunes no longer shows some of the info about a track (bitrate etc.) until the file is played. And Party Shuffle feature has never worked at all. In a networked world, it makes no sense. Why punish users for keeping their music on a shared computer? I was hoping the latest iTunes and Front Row updates would fix these problems. Nope. And the new Genius feature is also not sharing-capable, and therefore useless. Oh, and in the list view, I always leave "genre" turned off, so instead of three panes at the top, it's only two. Genre is completely and utterly useless to me. I could not possibly care less about it, and it just takes up a ton of space, so I for years have left it turned off. I can't turn it off anymore. Apple continues to be extremely stupid.

Cross-posted on <pudge/*>.

iTunes is annoying

Matts on 2008-09-10T22:22:16

I guess they want you to use AirTunes and Remote (i.e. force you to buy an iPhone?)...

switching off genre browsing

jest on 2008-09-11T14:01:26

You can switch this off by firing up a terminal window and typing:

defaults write show-genre-when-browsing -bool FALSE

Re:switching off genre browsing

pudge on 2008-09-11T23:06:27

Thanks jest!!

I thought there might be some hidden pref like that but I couldn't find it.

Now if only I can get it to remember my sort order for shared sources, like it used to.