Pudge Performs at SnoCo GOP Picnic, Releases New CD

pudge on 2008-07-16T16:26:04

Yours truly will be performing some tunes at the Snohomish County GOP Picnic on July 26. I will have my new CD, Nandor's White Castle, available for sale, with some proceeds going to the 38th District (which is organizing the picnic). Many local candidates will be speaking, and Jack Turk will be performing his magic. It's at Langus Riverfront Park in Everett, just off I-5, from 4 to 8 p.m. (I am scheduled, I believe, to go on at 5 p.m.) Cost is $10 per person. There will be a raffle, and plenty of food. Nandor's White Castle is mostly political songs, featuring new classics like "GOP Debate Song," played for the CNN/YouTube Republican Presidential Debate; the co-dependent love song to Washington's governor, "Christine, Christine, Christine;" the Schrammie-award-winning tune "Osama Bin Laden, You Ruined My Birthday;" and the folk anthem "George Bush is Hitler."

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