Me/CNN/YouTube Debate Wrapup

pudge on 2007-12-06T04:28:53

Thanks for all the kind words about my song at the debate. In case you missed it, here's a snippet of the debate showing my song, the candidates reaction to it, and me in the audience.

There were front-page (below the fold!) stories in the local Everett Herald and Seattle Times, along with mentions by Rush Limbaugh and others. And I was interviewed by Melissa Long on CNN Live. That video is in my YouTube playlist covering the debate and my trip.

I also have some reaction videos at the end of the playlist, where I talk a bit about my thoughts on the whole thing, especially the reaction to my song, and about General Kerr ("the Gay General").

Speaking of my videos and General Kerr, I think I have the very first video of him after it came out that he was related to the campaign. I asked him in the spin room right after my interview on CNN Live whether he was a "plant" of the Hillary campaign. It's there in the playlist too.

I laughed when

hfb on 2007-12-08T01:23:56

NPR mocked you while I was having my coffee during 'Morning Edition.' I think it was Linda Wurstheimer (not sure on the spullin') who made a snarky comment about guys with guitars that I cannot recall well enough to quote but I nearly spewed my coffee when I heard you singing. :D

Re:I laughed when

pudge on 2007-12-08T01:35:52

Ha. I heard Mara Liasson talk about it, said my song was one of her favorite moments, and I like Mara a lot, so that works. :-)