1986, 2004, ... 2007?

pudge on 2007-10-29T05:46:34

In 1986, the Patriots lost in the Super Bowl, the Red Sox lost in the World Series, and the Celtics won the World Championship.

In 2004, the Patriots won the Super Bowl and the Red Sox won the World Series.

In 2007, we very well could see the Patriots and Sox pair up again, and there's a decent chance the Celtics will follow up with another World Championship of their own.

So that leaves my beloved Bruins. It reminds me of a quote from the very first Simpsons episode ever:

"The Patriots are still winning, dominant as ever. The Celtics picked up some major stars, the Red Sox won the World Series, and the Bruins ... well, we love the Bruins."

The Bs have a decent team, but it's hard to see how they could seriously challenge for the Cup without some major improvements. I'll keep watching and hoping, though.