So in 2004 I predicted the Red Sox would win in 2006, using a mathematical formula. I was wrong. So I realized that my formula was off. Because the length of difference between last year won and the pivotal year of beating St. Louis crossed millennia, we had to add an extra year.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict;
# script to predict when the next Boston team championship # will occur after either: # # * winning first championship in team history, against St. Louis # # OR # # * winning first championship since St. Louis existed as a team
my %boston_team = ( # team last year won, year beat St. Louis Celtics => [1957, 1957], Bruins => [1941, 1970], Patriots => [2002, 2002], 'Red Sox' => [1918, 2004], );
for my $team (sort { $boston_team{$a}[1] <=> $boston_team{$b}[1] } keys %boston_team) { printf "%s: %d\n", $team, predict_year(@{$boston_team{$team}});
sub predict_year { my($last_won, $beat_stl) = @_; my $base_year = $beat_stl + 2; $base_year += int($beat_stl/1000) - int($last_won/1000); # adjust for difference return $base_year; }
Celtics: 1959 Bruins: 1972 Patriots: 2004 Red Sox: 2007
Re:And what about the future NOW
pudge on 2007-10-30T02:05:16
I don't know. Might be a one-time deal.