Fox Lied, Records Died

pudge on 2007-10-28T05:06:18

Joe Buck said that tonight's game was the longest ever 9-inning postseason game at 4 hours, 19 minutes.

Well, I happened to remember that Games 3, 4, and 5 of the 2004 ALCS were all about 3/4-hour apart. Game 3 was about 4:15 and was 9 innings, and Game 5 was about 5:00 in extra innings, and Game 6 was about 5:45 in extra innings.

So I looked it up. They were 4:20, 5:02, and 5:49.

So no, in fact, Game 3 of the 2004 ALCS was a longer 9-inning postseason game. Maybe he meant World Series history? Whatever. He's a liar!

Anyway, this should be instructive to the Red Sox, regardless: the last time this happened -- a 4:20-ish 9-inning game on the road for a team to take a 3-0 series lead -- the team down 0-3 eneded up winning the series.

Go Sox!