Longest Concert Evar: FREE BIRD

pudge on 2007-07-03T21:04:55

The most-requested song so far was, of course, "Free Bird," by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I took a slightly different approach to this one: I played five different guitar parts, all live: bass, clean electric, acoustic, slide, and solo.

It may not be the best one-man live version of Free Bird, but it may well be the most ... comprehensive.

To get different parts playing at the same time I used a BOSS RC-2 LoopStation pedal, and to play different guitars (bass [which is a Firebird detuned an octave], acoustic, various electrics) I use the Line 6 Variax modeling guitar, and to switch between the guitars and amp/fx I used the Line 6 PODxt Live. Oh, and that nifty slide I am using, that you can flip around to play chords, is the Axys slide by Shubb.

"Free Bird" was requested by Oliver Patrick Threshie, and neeracher. So BLAME THEM.

I also added a rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner.

Happy Independence Day!