As some of you may know, there was a video posted on YouTube last week that purported to show the White House was doctoring videos. I thought that the poster was wrong, so I wrote a short comment pointing out the error.
A few minutes later I found some evidence he was wrong, so I followed up with another comment, and I thought that was that, until he deleted my comments, and all others criticizing his work.
So I made my own video, in just a few minutes, showing his error. It's gotten quite a number of hits (almost 20,000 since Tuesday), but apart from being an entertaining diversion, I didn't think much of it. I'd read some of the comments, try to explain the error to people who didn't get it from the video (many of whom appologized to me after calling me bad names), and so on.
Then today I check my mail and Michelle Malkin has subscribed to my videos on YouTube. And I go to her web page and see she's written up the whole thing. And she links to an article on Spiegel about it all, including a quote from me.
I also see HuffPo picked up the original video. Even though someone linked to my video in the comments, I doubt they'll post a retraction.
Well, it's more interesting than the latest news about Britney Spears, I suppose!
pudge on 2006-11-12T02:53:39
Yeah, my first comment that the dude deleted mentioned the different angle of the camera, and added the fact that if the video had been shifted up as he said, that would have put Bush's head down in the middle (maybe slightly below the middle) of the frame, which would be absolutely terrible framing for TV. So it didn't make sense. And then I went and looked for myself and saw the black bars on all the other videos, which was more tangible proof, and added a comment about that. Both of which were then deleted.
It's funny-sad that so many comments about this on Fark, YouTube, etc. say that Bush is a liar and that how could they do this when they know they will be caught?, and how Bush can't take dissent... when it's this guy who is, in this case, the one guilty of all the above and more. (Of course, this guy is not the President, but still. :-)
Matts on 2006-11-12T03:08:29
Well, Bush is a liar, but for entirely different reasons, but I guess we'd better not go there, again:-) Re:Bizarre
Matts on 2006-11-12T03:09:34
Hmm, wishing there was an edit button. I guess what I meant to say more than that is that there's plenty of bad stuff you can say about Bush that you really don't need to go making crap up.Re:Bizarre
pudge on 2006-11-12T03:16:49
Even though I don't think Bush is a liar (not any moreso than most politicians, and not in the Big Way that most on the left think), I readily concede there is plenty to slam him on without making things up.:-)
sigzero on 2006-11-12T21:14:00
He is a politician right? ; )
When you have to make stuff up about him, that is just sad.