Ask Pudge, Episode 14: Lost Slash Accts / Tigers, Consent

pudge on 2006-10-30T08:10:28

A new episode of the superpodcast Ask Pudge is now online for your listening pleasure. Feel free to Ask new questions of Pudge here, for future episodes.

Oh, wise Pudge...

DAxelrod on 2006-11-01T21:47:23 the addition of an ad banner to the top of use.perl an indication that we should be donating money to keep the site afloat? Or has there always been a banner and I've been to oblivious to notice? (And no, this is not a complaint at all. It seems perfectly tasteful.)

Re:Oh, wise Pudge...

pudge on 2006-11-01T22:09:36

I was going to write a journal entry about it, but I think I'll just answer in the next Ask Pudge. :-)