Ask Pudge, Episode 4: Best Movie Evar

pudge on 2006-08-14T23:24:12

A new episode of Ask Pudge is now online for your listening pleasure. Feel free to ask new questions here, for future episodes.

Supreme Court Decisions

djberg96 on 2006-08-15T12:53:45

What are your opinions on Kelo v. City of New London and the various campaign finance decisions, e.g. Buckley v. Valeo and the more recent ruling against the state of Vermont (Randall v. Sorrell I think)?

Thinking long term

jdavidb on 2006-08-15T13:19:09

I noticed that your episode numbers have three digits and begin at 001 rather than 000. Are you only planning 999 episodes?

Re:Thinking long term

pudge on 2006-08-16T01:54:37

No, but I do doubt I'll get that high! If I do, then that will be a decent problem to have.

Re:Thinking long term

jdavidb on 2006-08-16T18:29:34

If you'd answered that in an episode, you might be more likely to have the problem. :)

Re:Thinking long term

pudge on 2006-08-16T18:54:42

Yeah, but I don't like answering self-referential questions on there for the most part, and I needed to test some code by replying to a comment on useperl, so ... there we have it! :-)

Re:Thinking long term

jdavidb on 2006-08-18T13:53:31

lol, works for me