Ask Pudge

pudge on 2006-05-21T01:54:02

It's time for Ask Pudge. The rules are simple: Ask me any question. One per person. I reserve the right to refuse to answer if the question is crass or overly personal, or if I come up with some other good reason.

I may not respond immediately, but, rather, queue up my responses.

Re: Ask Pudge

jmcnamara on 2006-05-21T13:41:36

What is "The House of Pain" apart from a dodgy rap group?

You are Number 6 (obscure "Prisoner" reference)

Ovid on 2006-05-21T18:04:57

What are your thoughts on Perl6, both the language and the development process?


tf23 on 2006-05-22T00:44:59

Did you go see the DaVinci Code at the theatre this weekend?

Dream job ?

rafael on 2006-05-22T07:53:26

What would be, for you, a perfect job ?


jdavidb on 2006-05-22T12:32:09

When's the baby due, again?


n1vux on 2006-05-22T16:13:28

This is ... the due date for everything is "by Christmas" ... of an unspecified year.


jdavidb on 2006-05-24T19:50:54

Never mind. I seem to be a little behind. Belated congratulations.


pudge on 2006-05-24T20:02:49

Pictures on Flickr ... you should be able to see them through your account.

Re: Ask Pudge

waltman on 2006-05-22T17:30:58

The 2006 Red Sox -- great team, or the greatest team?

Other agile languages

djberg96 on 2006-05-23T05:35:45

What are your thoughts on Ruby and Python?

Integration with the blogosphere...

Alias on 2006-05-23T13:21:31

Is there any reason why the front news items would show up in the blogosphere (search, subscriptions, etc) but not the journals? (nothing seems to carry them)

Is that something you would need to enable support for so they could add it, or is it just the aggregators and search people all not caring?

Re:Integration with the blogosphere...

pudge on 2006-05-24T02:00:12

What do you mean by "subscriptions"?

And are you talking about RSS feeds for journals?

Re:Integration with the blogosphere...

Alias on 2006-05-29T11:53:13

I mean more that while RSS is available directly from use.perl, and while Google's normal search may index pages here and there, the use.perl journals don't seem to be integrated into the whole Google Blog search, or the major aggregators and search things (Technorati etc).

Re:Integration with the blogosphere...

pudge on 2006-05-29T15:44:44

I have no idea how they find their feeds. If all feeds Google finds should end up in their Google Blogs whateveritis, then obviously Google is broken, since our feeds are properly announced in the pages Google is indexing. If they have to be provided to Google specially somehow, well, then that hasn't been done by me, so it would need to be done. I am not really sure how to answer the question, because I know nothing about these aggregators or how they work, as I don't *care* about them or how they work, as I don't have any personal need or use for any of them.

So if you want something to show up on them, find out how to get something to show up on them.

Re:Integration with the blogosphere...

jdavidb on 2006-05-24T18:18:43

What do you mean "in the blogosphere"? Doesn't that just mean "people blogging about them"? Your question to me sounds like "Why do people blog about front page news items but not journal items?" Are you trying to ask why search engines do not pick up journal entries? Because if so, you should know that they do. What do you mean when you say "nothing seems to carry them"?