Stupid Mac::Glue Tricks: BBEdit Auto-Save

pudge on 2006-04-04T01:09:57

Auto-save your BBEdit documents on a per-document basis. The script will keep looping every N seconds until the file is closed (or you kill the script manually).

# bb_autosave.plx - autosave for BBEdit
# save whatever is currently frontmost document when script first executes,
# every N seconds

use strict; use warnings;

use Mac::Glue ':all';

my $bbedit = new Mac::Glue 'BBEdit'; my $front_id = $bbedit->prop(id => document => 1, window => 1)->get; my $front = $bbedit->obj(document => obj_form(formUniqueID, typeLongInteger, $front_id));

my $name = $front->prop('name')->get; print "Auto-saving document '$name'.\n";

my $sec = shift || 10;

while ($front->get) { $front->save; sleep $sec; }

print "Document closed.\n"; exit;