
pudge on 2002-02-08T16:11:28

# I use this to put the current track I am listening to # on pudge.net; each time a new MP3 is selected, it sends # an HTTP request to pudge.net which calls a perl script # to update the current track there. Essentially, this # just tells the site "this is the track info for the # just-requested track".

package Apache::MP3::Log;

use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); use Apache::Constants qw(DECLINED); use Date::Format; use LWP::Simple; use MP3::Info; use Socket; use Apache::MP3::Resample;

@ISA = 'Apache::MP3::Resample'; $VERSION = 1.0;

sub stream { my $self = shift; my $r = $self->r;

return DECLINED unless -e $r->filename; # only my IPs for now ... maybe do by cookie/username later $self->log_mp3 if $r->connection->remote_ip =~ /^10\.0\.1\.(?:132|107|177|108|109)$/; $self->SUPER::stream; }

sub log_mp3 { my $self = shift; my $r = $self->r;

my $tag = get_mp3tag($r->filename) or return; my $url = $self->stream_base . $r->uri . '?stream=1'; $url =~ s/%/%25/g; $url =~ s/ /%20/g; $url =~ s/&/%26/g; $url =~ s/;/%3B/g;

my $data = join "%%", @{$tag}{'TITLE', 'ALBUM', 'ARTIST'}, $url, strftime("%C", @{[localtime]}); $data =~ s/[\015\012]+//g; $data =~ s/%/%25/g; $data =~ s/&/%26/g; $data =~ s/;/%3B/g;

my $get; my $foo = 0; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "oops!" }; alarm 10; $get = get("http://pudge.net/someperlscript?data=$data"); $foo = 1; };

alarm 0; }


This cries out for a web service

jjohn on 2002-02-08T23:27:00

and you know it!

Re:This cries out for a web service

pudge on 2002-02-09T13:32:12

Yes, I do. But do you know how eager I am to write the web service?

That's right, not very! :)

Actually, since pudge.net is a Slash site, once we finalize the web service interface for Slash, I might do it. But not until then.