Valid HTML

pudge on 2005-07-10T06:16:49

Awhile back I made it so every new story, comment, etc. would be valid HTML. Now, I've done gone and made all old stories and comments are valid HTML. If you see anything broken, please do let me know.

The surrounding HTML will, hopefully soon, follow.

light amigos empty

wickline on 2005-07-13T00:27:01

The recent changes have made /my/amigos look empty when I'm logged in. However, if I switch to another browser (not logged in) then /user/wickline/amigos is populated as expected.

I use the "light" use perl layout, so I suspect that 'amigos' is just broken under "light".


Re:light amigos empty

wickline on 2005-07-14T01:07:49

all better now.



Re:light amigos empty

pudge on 2005-07-14T05:03:12

Excellent, thanks for the feedback.