
pudge on 2003-11-27T18:46:55

This little script will print out Apple event debugging info.

#!/bin/bash AEDebug=1 AEDebugSends=1 AEDebugReceives=1 AEDebugVerbose=1 AEDebugOSL=1 "$@"

Such as:

aedebug osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to activate'

Returns, in part:

AE2000 (918): Sending an event: ------oo start of event oo------ { 1 } 'aevt': misc/actv (ppc ){ return id: 60162053 (0x3960005) transaction id: 0 (0x0) interaction level: 64 (0x40) reply required: 1 (0x1) remote: 0 (0x0) target: { 2 } 'psn ': 8 bytes { { 0x0, 0xe0001 } (Finder) } optional attributes: { 1 } 'reco': - 2 items { key 'subj' - { -1 } 'null': null descriptor key 'csig' - { 1 } 'magn': 4 bytes { 65536l (0x10000) } }

event data: { 1 } 'aevt': - 0 items { } }

------oo end of event oo------ AE2000 (918): Received an event reply: ------oo start of event oo------ { 1 } 'aevt': aevt/ansr (ppc ){ return id: 60162053 (0x3960005) transaction id: 0 (0x0) interaction level: 112 (0x70) reply required: 0 (0x0) remote: 0 (0x0) target: { 1 } 'psn ': 8 bytes { { 0x0, 0xe0001 } (Finder) } optional attributes: < empty record > event data: { 1 } 'aevt': - 0 items { } }

------oo end of event oo------

With the glue script I can do this, to get a similar result:

aedebug glue Finder '$g->activate'