I use this with XChat Aqua. Note that I create the objects outside the handler: XChat smartly caches the script, so the objects are created once. That, combined with only loading the modules once, significantly decreases the execution time, to nearly nil.
Also, I use IsRunning() to see if I am running iTunes locally; if so, it uses that, and if not, it uses the other box running in the house.
I had to install Mac::Glue etc. for the system perl, which I rarely use, but the plugin library is only compatible with that one. But I made the directory containing the glues a symlink to my local perl's (`sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mac/Glue/glues /Library/Perl/5.8.1/Mac/Glues/` or whatever). Those are just Storable + MLDBM, I don't need separate copies of them.
use strict;
use Mac::Apps::Launch;
use Mac::Glue;
my $itunes = new Mac::Glue 'iTunes';
my $track = $itunes->prop('current track');
my $name = $track->prop('name');
my $artist = $track->prop('artist');
my $album = $track->prop('album');
sub np {
if (IsRunning($itunes->{ID})) {
} else {
$itunes->ADDRESS(eppc => iTunes => 'sweeney.local');
my @data = map { $_->get } ($name, $artist, $album);
my $str = $data[0];
return 0 unless $str;
$str = "$str - $data[1]" if $data[1];
$str = "$str ($data[2])" if $data[2];
IRC::command("NP: $str");
return 1;
IRC::register("np", "1.0", "", "");
IRC::add_command_handler("np", "np");