Part of the Problem

pudge on 2003-06-06T11:52:53

I get hundreds of spams per day, a large percentage of which are "virus spams," the Microsoft worms/viruses that try to infect my Mac. And a significant number of those are bounce messages telling me that the mail that "I sent" contained a virus. Except, of course, that I never sent that mail.

Can someone clue these people in, the ones that run these "helpful" systems, that it is likely that none of the virus spams they are getting actually come from the user in the From: address? They are contributing to the problem. They are not helping.


inkdroid on 2003-06-06T13:38:22

Is the problem that the email contains a virus, or that there is no such user at the target domain? If it is the former I absolutely agree with you, and would be interested to know if there are any hints in the email headers that indicate what software is generating this *helpful* reply. If its a 'no such user' bounce there is no real way around this except to stop bouncing messages...not really an option.


pudge on 2003-06-06T13:46:36

I am getting some of both, but I am complaining about the "J00 sent the user a VIRUS, D00D!" messages.


inkdroid on 2003-06-06T14:01:40

Any hints in the headers to indicate what software is doing this? I've been trashing my spam alot lately so I can't look at my own.


pudge on 2003-06-06T14:07:58

All sorts. Nothing in particular worth mentioning, that I've seen.