Save this as a compiled script and put it in ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/ and it will appear in your Script menu in iTunes (or call it outside of iTunes if you prefer).
Now Playing: Can't Stand Losing You - The Police (Every Breath You Take: The Singles)
I figure if they can include the cover art that they should make an attempt at the liner notes and lyrics....
Re:what about liner notes...
ziggy on 2003-05-01T16:59:01
Why don't you send them some feedback?I'm sure they thought of it already. Getting the liner notes and lyrics is a lot more intensive a project than stuffing a single image (scanned once) into all 12 tracks on a CD. There are probably plans in the works already to roll out a new set of AAC files in a year or two with liner notes and lyrics so (a) they have enough time to gather and QA the data and (b) you have more of an incentive to buy (or even, gasp! repurchase) tracks.
Re:what about liner notes...
hfb on 2003-05-01T17:27:56
Your grasp of the obvious continues to be prodigious.
Re:what about liner notes...
ziggy on 2003-05-01T17:39:59
If this is so obvious, then why ask for liner notes and lyrics in the first place?Re:what about liner notes...
hfb on 2003-05-01T19:29:31
I suggested that they might attempt it, not that it was an original idea or that it would not take a large amount of work to do it. Apple is the innovator and I'd like to see them try to make the standard for this kind of data so that every song could have the lyrics, band members names, the year of the recording, artists notes about the song, etc. The album cover is easy. It's all rather obvious except whether or not they'll do something like this or if there are reasons for not considering it.
Re:seems like walmart changed. And iTunes, too.
pudge on 2004-07-11T14:45:49
Yes. I modified mine to do both those things recently. Here's my current script.tell application "iTunes"
set currart to artist of (first item of selection)
set curralb to album of (first item of selection)
end tell
set currargs to do shell script "perl -MURI::Escape -e 'print uri_escape(shift), q[%20], uri_escape(shift)' " & quoted form of currart & " " & quoted form of curralb
tell application "Safari"
open location " y=" & currargs
end tellRe:seems like walmart changed. And iTunes, too.
weinford on 2004-07-11T16:51:43
Yes, thank you, found out about that selection thing too, in the iTunes example scripts from Apple. Very nice now! Do you think it would be possible (and feasible) to use perl and regexp or something to parse the resulting page and retrieve the cover image directly?Re:seems like walmart changed. And iTunes, too.
pudge on 2004-07-11T18:53:10
Probably, though I never wanted to. I prefer to see the image first. Mostly these days I just use Clutter, an app that will fetch the cover image and apply it to the music files for you.Having problems connecting to iTunes
mulan3328 on 2005-07-21T19:23:04
Hi Everybody!
I'm not computer savvy. I have had my iPod Photo since March. Have been using it like crazy and have bought tons of song from iTunes. I tried connecting since yesterday and it's not working:( I has able to connect sunday! I haven't done anything new to my computer everything is the same. ACtually I logged off on sunday and started it up again yesterday and iTunes is the only thing not working. I called apple and the want to chatge me again for the same problem eventhough they can't fix it. This is my 4th call about since I got iTunes. Can someone help me? I'm going to go broke calling apple and they can't even do anything! Thanks