Images in MP3s

pudge on 2003-04-28T21:43:37

iTunes 4 can store album cover art in the MP3 tag.

perl -MMP3::Info -e ' $file = shift; $x = get_mp3tag($file, 2, 2); ($i = $x->{PIC}) =~ s/^(....).//; ($e = $1) =~ s/\W//g; $file =~ s/\.mp3/.$e/; open $f, ">", $file; print $f $i; ' song.mp3

This can extract it!

Not normalized

jdavidb on 2003-04-29T14:12:46

Maybe I've been working with databases too much, but doesn't it seem a little redundant to put the album cover art in each file?

Still cool, though!

Re:Not normalized

pudge on 2003-04-29T15:03:55

Well, you buy individual songs from their service, and very well might stream/copy individual files around.

Re:Not normalized

petdance on 2003-04-29T19:24:01

Maybe I've been working with databases too much, but doesn't it seem a little redundant to put the album cover art in each file?


Also, note that you can have different images on each file.