A New Perl Blog

pshangov on 2009-08-07T07:50:46

Cross-posted from http://mechanicalrevolution.com.

This is the first post in yet another new blog to join the Perl blogosphere. My name is Peter, I am from Bulgaria, and my technological inclinations seem to have been determined by a memorable childhood camel-riding experience (my family was relatively poor and precious stones are not something I am used to; also, I never really managed to get comfortable with snakes). Although I first started programming in Perl nearly 10 years ago, it was only in the past year that I evolved from an anonymous and passive consumer of Perl code and culture to a point where I released my first cpan modules, started sending bug reports and patches for other people's modules, and joined an exciting community project. Now the hacker in me is feeling a new urge – to speak and be heard!

While readers of this blog will be entertained with musings on tech stuff of any nature, the predominant theme is going to be Perl. Some of the topics that I want to talk about are Perl documentation and where it can be improved, my favourite but under-appreciated cpan modules, my personal Perl projects (stay tuned for some some cool stuff!), and, of course, my own takes on Perl evangelism. I will be joining The Iron Man Challenge, and the first five items on this blog will also be cross-posted on use.perl.org.

The name of this blog reflects my passionate belief that technology empowers the individual to influence the world and change it for the better. I think this is true more then ever at this specific point in time when technology has become so accessible and powerful that it has made it possible, like never before in history, for individuals and small groups to spread their ideas and influence to thousands and even millions of people, all over the world.



This blog is hosted on my brand new Hostgator account (I will post a review of Hostgator as a Perl hosting solution once I've had some experience with it). The theme – Byty the Free Child (which I fell in love with after seeing it on David Golden's blog), was designed by Cristian Antohe, initially for Wordpress. The content management system powering the blog is something I have been working on for a while and will soon be released to the public. The comment system is managed by Disqus.