playing with rakudo

polettix on 2009-08-26T15:54:19

These days I've played a bit with rakudo (should I say Rakudo? I actually played with the program...) and I really enjoyed it.

I focused on implementing short examples in the perl6-examples, in particular related to Project Euler. It allows me to use the "everyday" Perl 6 waiting to exploit more advanced features, which is good. It's quite easy to have access to the Github repository, as a matter of fact it boils down to joining #perl6 in freenode and ask.

Performance is really poor so far, some scripts in Perl 5 that run in some 3 seconds take ages in Perl 6. Anyway, at the moment it's not really the point - not for me, at least - so the level of fun is high. I must admit that it's easy to get used to the syntax changes, like the one for "for.

I was a bit scared in being hit by a couple of lacks/bugs while doing quite basic stuff. One resulted in a bug report, another one was due to a known bug. Was I particularly lucky? I hope so.