One question about Perl 6

polettix on 2007-04-20T00:49:15

Last night (at least here in Italy) I asked a question about Perl 6, I hope TimToady won't sue me for reporting it here :) (Note: I eliminated a comment by Limbic~Region from the original log, that referred to another thread of discussion).

apr 19 01:22:02 
         I'm not asking for dates!
         what percentage of Perl 6 specs definition do you
         think we (well... you) are at?
apr 19 01:22:56 
         we're well past the first 80% and well into the
         second 80%.  :)
apr 19 01:23:52 
         nice answer, and I suspect it also represents the
         reality quite well :)
apr 19 01:23:56 
         in other words, most of the important stuff is
         done, and much of what remains is a protracted
         negotiation between the current design and the
apr 19 01:24:26 
         with assorted input from educators and users
apr 19 01:25:29 
         plus a gentle undercurrent of "keep everything
         else the same as Perl 5"