Good news!

pmichaud on 2008-08-30T18:49:33

Some of you will recall that earlier in the year I posted an article with bad news that my wife developed ovarian cancer, so it's appropriate to share the good news: Paula's ovarian cancer is officially in remission. We completed her final chemotherapy treatment a couple of weeks ago, and the CT scan and other tests this week all show no detectable signs of cancer. So, no more treatments or medicines (yay!), and from here on we simply go for examinations every few months to watch for any recurrence (which is unfortunately quite common for ovarian cancer).

Although it took us a few extra months to get to this point (due to complications with finding a satisfactory chemotherapy mix), this is exactly the outcome we were aiming for at this point.

As always, we're glad to answer questions and provide more details for those who are interested -- but the bottom line is that things are looking very good right now.

Both Paula and I really appreciate and are grateful for the generous support, prayers, and understanding that everyone has shown us over these many months. You have all been a huge help to us, and we thank you.

Pm & Paula


autarch on 2008-08-30T19:09:24

That is good news, indeed.

Wonderful News

Ovid on 2008-08-30T19:19:23

This is wonderful news! You'll be in my thoughts (and others', I'm sure).

Great news

etm117 on 2008-08-30T20:41:52

Great news. Well wishes for today and each day forward. :-)