Parrot workshop at YAPC::NA 2008 -- success!!

pmichaud on 2008-06-20T02:02:32

[Rakudo spec regression status: 65 files, 792 tests]

Yesterday at YAPC::NA 2008 we had a Parrot workshop, primarily organized by Jim Keenan. It went great -- Jim did a fantastic job. I think we had approximately 20 participants total, and several of the parrot folks came by to help.

During the workshop I think we managed to get nearly everyone with a working copy of Parrot and Rakudo Perl, and I even managed to take some notes on how we can improve things for others later.

We also found (and fixed) some bugs in the official test suite, and Deven Corzine even grabbed a Pugs commit bit and fixed a Windows bug in the fudgeall script!

I found the workshop to be very productive for me personally, and again my compliments and thanks to Jim Keenan and the other organizers for putting it together. (I was at the workshop to help, but I didn't do much of the work in putting it together. :-)
