Rakudo test suite progress

pmichaud on 2008-06-16T06:34:15

[Rakudo spec regression status: 64 files, 779 tests]

In my previous posts I reported on Rakudo's progress in passing the test suite. For those I had been using the output of Test::Harness to estimate the number of passing tests, but ultimately decided that it wasn't really giving me the information I want in the form I want it. So I wrote a custom test summarizer for Rakudo to make it easier to measure our test passing rate in the spectest suite.

Here's how things have been progressing over the last three weeks:

          Rakudo spectest regression daily results
                          files test pass fail todo skip
2008-05-22 00:00             31  564  223    0    0  341
2008-05-23 00:00             32  569  228    0    0  341
2008-05-24 00:00             32  569  228    0    0  341
2008-05-25 00:00             39  666  310    0    0  356
2008-05-26 00:00             39  666  310    0    0  356
2008-05-27 00:00             39  666  310    0    0  356
2008-05-28 00:00             39  666  317    0    0  349
2008-05-29 00:00             43  774  394    4   15  361
2008-05-30 00:00             43  775  415    0   15  345
2008-05-31 00:00             43  775  415    0   15  345
2008-06-01 00:00             52  892  518    0   15  359
2008-06-02 00:00             55 1012  623    0   15  374
2008-06-03 00:00             55 1012  623    0   15  374
2008-06-04 00:00             55 1012  624    0   14  374
2008-06-05 00:00             58 1107  668    0   15  424
2008-06-06 00:00             58 1110  674    0   14  422
2008-06-07 00:00             59 1139  682    0   16  441
2008-06-08 00:00             59 1139  697    0   17  425
2008-06-09 00:00             59 1139  699    0   15  425
2008-06-10 00:00             59 1139  699    0   15  425
2008-06-11 00:00             59 1145  705    0   15  425
2008-06-12 00:00             59 1145  705    0   15  425
2008-06-13 00:00             60 1148  707    0   15  426
2008-06-14 00:00             60 1148  711    0   15  422
2008-06-15 00:00             63 1201  754    0   15  432
2008-06-16 00:00             64 1226  779    0   15  432

The 00:00 in the above table represents midnight U.S. Central Time. The 'test' column indicates the number of tests run, and the 'pass' column shows how many tests were passing (excluding 'todo' and 'skip'). So, as of June 16 Rakudo is passing 779 tests in its spectest_regression suite.

In order to get a feel for our overall trend, I like to look at week-over-week progress instead of just the daily numbers. So, in the week from June 9 to June 16 we added 779 - 699 = 80 new passing tests. We'll see how things go in the future -- it will all depend on a combination of how quickly spectests can be reviewed and features added to Rakudo.

At the top of my future posts I plan to include a one-line summary of Rakudo's passing rate so that people can continually monitor our ongoing progress without having to scan the article (see the top of this post for an example).


Update: Moritz has generated a PNG graph of the above data, and is updating the script to take advantage of the CSV version of the data that we'll be maintaining in the repository. (I don't know how often the graph will be updated yet.)

Track that data in a csv file in the source?

Tim Bunce on 2008-06-16T10:14:41

It's great to be able to visualize progress.

I'd like to use these stats to add another graph to my 'myths' talk, like the ones on pages 7 and 11 of
http://timbunce.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/perl-myths-200802-inc-perl6-olddraft .pdf

Any chance you could maintain a csv or tsv file of these data?

Re:Track that data in a csv file in the source?

pmichaud on 2008-06-16T14:52:36

Now available at http://svn.perl.org/parrot/trunk/languages/perl6/docs/spectest-progress.csv . Enjoy!
