After I released the 0.01 version of Java::Javap to CPAN, my attention was diverted by YAPC::NA in Houston. I had a good time and was exhausted by Wednesday at noon. I'm not sure where people get the stamina for the final two days (I skipped those).
At YAPC I gave a talk about our framework
I had hoped to gain some insight into how constructors ought to be written at YAPC. Either because I missed the session, or because I didn't ask the right people, I heard nothing about OO perl 6. I did learn lots of other interesting things and was introduced to many modules that will probably find their way into my code.
So, I am still at a loss about what to do with constructors in Perl 6 Java linkage APIs. I'm again reading the docs. By this weekend I will either pick a set of methods for classes or abandon the effort. In any case the CPAN module has a grammar for deparsed Java and a factory scheme to introducing generators at invocation time, so someone more familiar with Perl 6 classes will only need an interest in the problem and a small bit of time to finish that piece.
The only other thing that remains is to implement support for the rest of the command line flags. Thus, I hope to complete my work on this module by the end of the month.
I'm not sure where people get the stamina for the final two days (I skipped those).
I steal it from the future, that is, this week.
Re:Gantry, Big Top, Tentmaker
philcrow on 2007-07-19T22:09:35
Thanks for the kind words. Please do write to my email or to the Gantry mailing list with questions, comments, suggestions, etc.Phil