Where I have been

philcrow on 2007-07-04T14:11:55

After I released the 0.01 version of Java::Javap to CPAN, my attention was diverted by YAPC::NA in Houston. I had a good time and was exhausted by Wednesday at noon. I'm not sure where people get the stamina for the final two days (I skipped those).

At YAPC I gave a talk about our framework . The slides are on the site home page along with lots of other information, of course. There are also links to the slides on the YAPC Wiki and on my talk's abstract page.

I had hoped to gain some insight into how constructors ought to be written at YAPC. Either because I missed the session, or because I didn't ask the right people, I heard nothing about OO perl 6. I did learn lots of other interesting things and was introduced to many modules that will probably find their way into my code.

So, I am still at a loss about what to do with constructors in Perl 6 Java linkage APIs. I'm again reading the docs. By this weekend I will either pick a set of methods for classes or abandon the effort. In any case the CPAN module has a grammar for deparsed Java and a factory scheme to introducing generators at invocation time, so someone more familiar with Perl 6 classes will only need an interest in the problem and a small bit of time to finish that piece.

The only other thing that remains is to implement support for the rest of the command line flags. Thus, I hope to complete my work on this module by the end of the month.



chromatic on 2007-07-04T18:45:35

I'm not sure where people get the stamina for the final two days (I skipped those).

I steal it from the future, that is, this week.

Have you tried #perl6 on freenode

Limbic Region on 2007-07-05T01:49:42

That is probably the best place to get your questions answered authoritatively and interactively.

Gantry, Big Top, Tentmaker

davebaker on 2007-07-05T18:23:38

I'm very impressed with what you're doing with your web app framework! I enjoyed the slides (which I viewed over the web; I didn't make YAPC this year).

I'm a novice at frameworks, although I've been using Perl to help run my web site for about ten years. I'd say I'm a Perl "hobbyist" but a serious one.

I'll buy your eBook.

Keep on keepin' on!

Re:Gantry, Big Top, Tentmaker

philcrow on 2007-07-19T22:09:35

Thanks for the kind words. Please do write to my email or to the Gantry mailing list with questions, comments, suggestions, etc.
