Apache::Pod 0.02 is out

petdance on 2002-09-30T05:27:36

Sean Burke has put out Pod::Simple 0.93, and I've followed that up with the first usable version of Apache::Pod 0.02. It's meant to replace Rich Bowen's Apache::Perldoc. The cool thing about it is that it doesn't use the pod2html command-line tool to do its dirty work, which means you can run it w/o writing to a temp directory or anything yucky like that.

Installation is super easy. Just do: SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::Pod::HTML SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::Pod::HTML and now all *.pod files are rendered as HTML, and http://your.server/perldoc/Module::Name will do docs for Module::Name. And, if you prefer text, change the ::HTML to ::Text. Other subclasses are welcome, too.

Great module

pudge on 2002-10-09T05:23:24

Two problems: Pod::Simple was not installed automatically as a prereq by CPAN (this was immediately obvious), and Pod::Find in my installation (perl 5.6.0) was too old (this I had to read the httpd error logs to find out, and I took a guess that the fact that Pod::Find::pod_where couldn't be found was a matter of an old version).

Tt's quite a cool module, thanks.

Re:Great module

petdance on 2002-10-10T15:54:28

Thanks for the kind words, sir. I've noted your problems in http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=1650