WWW::Mechanize, a fork of WWW::Automate

petdance on 2002-09-10T22:11:25

At my Day Job, we've been using Skud's excellent WWW::Automate to do automated testing and benchmarking of our site. We've needed some patches and tweaks, but since Skud's schedule doesn't allow for updates to WWW::Automate in the kind of timeframes I need (and I certainly don't fault her for that), I've forked off WWW::Automate into WWW::Mechanize.

It incorporates fixes for all of the bugs currently entered in rt.cpan.org for WWW::Automate. It should be available on my CPAN directory pretty soon.

I hope that when Skud's schedule allows, we can fold my WWW::Mechanize changes back into the main WWW::Automate branch.

If you've got comments or fixes or requests, please let me know.

And of course, thank you Skud for putting WWW::Automate out there in the first place.