Please stop telling me about xkcd

petdance on 2007-02-16T17:14:58

Every time mentions Perl, I get a half dozen forwards, and a half dozen people feel obligated to post it to their local Perl Mongers list. No more! Agh!

Have you seen the one about Lisp?

bart on 2007-02-16T18:56:34

Yes, it mentions Perl... :)

Anyway: at first I thought you were going to comment on, where it seems that every other day, the xkcd comic of the day is on the frontpage. I'm getting pretty tired of it.


jesse on 2007-02-17T02:38:22

Isn't it actually relevant to that whole "Perl Public Relations" thing?

Half a dozen mailing list posts eh?

vek on 2007-02-17T03:19:59

Well that was 6 seconds of your life you're never getting back huh? Damn those pesky Perl users posting Perl news to their local monger mailing lists. Damn them I say.

Re:Half a dozen mailing list posts eh?

chromatic on 2007-02-18T08:48:10

I can only imagine what Andy does when the teevee news comes on!

Re:Half a dozen mailing list posts eh?

petdance on 2007-02-18T16:29:20

I have a TiVo. Nothing comes on that I don't want to come on.